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Product Description

FireAde 2000 is the most complete and user friendly firefighting agent produced in the world. Numerous firefighting agents claim to be Class A and B compliant; however they comply with NFPA 18/2006 wetting agent classification only. This classification is recognized within the fire service solely as a Class A agent. FireAde® 2000 complies with NFPA 18/2006 wetting agent and UL 162 foam liquid concentrate. This awards FireAde® 2000 a "TRUE" Class A and B classification approval. FireAde® 2000 eliminates all of the long-established issues of Class B foams; it will not clog, gum, or corrode foam systems and equipment. The global environmental impact system (EIS) for firefighting foams rates all foams on acute aquatic toxicity. FireAde® 2000 rates lower than the majority of Class A foams with the USDA forestry approval and declared fluorine free foams. FireAde® 2000 offers the simplicity of using one product to extinguish multiple classifications of fire. This allows fire departments and fire brigades to increase their stocking supply by just using one product, FireAde® 2000.


UL/UL Canada/ 162 Listed Foam Liquid Concentrate 14CY, NFPA 11 and 16, for non- miscible, non-polar solvents or hydrocarbon fuels.

UL/UL Canada/ Wetting Agent Classified in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 18-2006 for physical properties and fire extinguishment 93V0.

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization performance Level B approved.

ISO Insurance Services Organization compliant for Class B foam.

EN 1568-3:2008 foam liquid concentrate approved.


FireAde® 2000 is compatible with other brands of foam as finished foam.

FireAde® 2000 is compatible with other FireAde 2000 products as concentrates.

Flushing Instructions:

It is recommended to flush all foam tanks if possible. If not, use as much of previous Class A foam, then add FireAde® 2000 concentrate. Mixing with most Class A foams will not cause harm to systems. Flushing is mandatory for all Class B foam tanks before adding FireAde® 2000 concentrates. Once FireAde® 2000 concentrates are added, flow product to ensure foam tank is operating.

Shelf Life:

FireAde® 2000 has an unlimited shelf-life.

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